Triggering our age of high-stakes secrecy, explosive news leaks and the trafficking of information both vital and dangerous, Wikileaks forever changed the game.
In a dramatic thriller based on real events, THE FIFTH ESTATE peers into the riveting mystery of how a quest to expose the deceptions and corruptions of power turned an internet upstart into the 21st Century’s most fiercely debated organization.
Directed by
Bill Condon
Benedict Cumberbatch
Daniel Brühl
Laura Linney
Anthony Mackie
David Thewlis
Peter Capaldi
Dan Stevens
Alicia Vikander
Carice van Houten
Produced by
Steve Golin
Michael Sugar
Written by
Josh Singer
DreamWorks Studios
Participant Media
Triggering our age of high-stakes secrecy, explosive news leaks and the trafficking of information both vital and dangerous, Wikileaks forever changed the game. In a dramatic thriller based on real events, THE FIFTH ESTATE peers into the riveting mystery of how a quest to expose the deceptions and corruptions of power turned an internet upstart into the 21st Century’s most fiercely debated organization.
Triggering our age of high-stakes secrecy, explosive news leaks and the trafficking of information both vital and dangerous, Wikileaks forever changed the game.
In a dramatic thriller based on real events, THE FIFTH ESTATE peers into the riveting mystery of how a quest to expose the deceptions and corruptions of power turned an internet upstart into the 21st Century’s most fiercely debated organization.