Set in 1964, a three-day journey along Route 66 begins when 19-year-old serial killer Bobby Falls (JACOB ELORDI) hitches a ride with Jim Goodwin (ZACHARY QUINTO) and his precious cargo: TV star chimpanzee, Spanky.

Based on true events in the lives of David Pitts, his ice-skating chimp and infamous serial killer Larry Lee Ranes.

WORLD PREMIERE at the 2023 Tribeca Festival.

Directed by
Jeffrey Darling
Jacob Elordi
Zachary Quinto
Patrick J. Adams
Produced by
Marc Benardout
James Harris
Mark Lane
Jeremy Kotin
Hugh Broder
Written by
Evan M. Wiener
Production Status

Set in 1964, a three-day journey along Route 66 begins when 19-year-old serial killer Bobby Falls (JACOB ELORDI) hitches a ride with Jim Goodwin (ZACHARY QUINTO) and his precious cargo: TV star chimpanzee, Spanky.

Based on true events in the lives of David Pitts, his ice-skating chimp and infamous serial killer Larry Lee Ranes.

WORLD PREMIERE at the 2023 Tribeca Festival.

Set in 1964, a three-day journey along Route 66 begins when 19-year-old serial killer Bobby Falls (JACOB ELORDI) hitches a ride with Jim Goodwin (ZACHARY QUINTO) and his precious cargo: TV star chimpanzee, Spanky.

Based on true events in the lives of David Pitts, his ice-skating chimp and infamous serial killer Larry Lee Ranes.

WORLD PREMIERE at the 2023 Tribeca Festival.

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